Increase margins and LTV
with Predictive AI

Prevent discount abuse, boost email engagement, send timely replenishment reminders, and re-engage customers nearing churn.
Works on eCommerce email/SMS marketing software you use

Solving revenue retention  for eCommerce

You want to retain more loyal (3+ orders) customers.
Conversion Rate
You want to improve email/SMS conversion rates along with other top-level metrics to ensure better email deliverability.
Discount Abuse
You want to prevent welcome offer and abandoned cart discount abuses.

Use cases that enhance your email/SMS marketing activities

Better Automations
Create replenishment email/SMS automations for repeat customers with personalized next purchase predictions for each individual.
Abandoned Cart
Send a different abandoned cart offer to loyal customers who are likely to buy soon while still sending your original offer to other shoppers.
Marketing Campaigns
Improve email/SMS open rates, click-through rates and revenue from marketing campaigns by targeting customers are nearing their next purchase date.

Predictive Analytics Powered by AI

Next Purchase Date
Use this data to identify customers most likely to engage with your emails/SMS and buy soon.
Churn Date
Use this data to identify customers most likely to defect to competitor product soon.
Expected 365-day LTV
Use this data to identify high-value customers vs low value customers.

Integrates with Shopify and ESP

We get data from both Shopify and your email marketing software to analyze them to provide our predictive data. Combining data from both sources gives us 360-coverage on your customer behavior.

Take your email/SMS marketing to the next level

Use Predictive AI to supercharge your email/SMS marketing automations and marketing email/SMS campaigns for your eCommerce store.